Danielle Anson - Soul Purpose Life Coach

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Should We Always Be On A Path Of Healing?

As I switched on one of my favourite podcasts the other morning, I was interested in learning about the topic. I tend to listen to a lot of health & wellness style podcasts, as well as a number of spirituality types.

This particular episode was talking about adrenal fatigue, how to spot it and how to heal from it. At first I found it really interesting, and then suddenly I found myself becoming overwhelmed by it. I was starting to read my own body and see if there was anything that was resonating with me. And of course, there was, it often seems like there’s something that resonates with these types of podcasts. So there I was, previously feeling calm and happy with my day and my life, and suddenly I’d started to wonder if actually there was something wrong with me. If there was something I needed to fix, or put my attention to. And then I remembered the sense of calm I’d previously been feeling in my body & mind and I had to switch the podcast off.

Now, I’m not saying it’s not a good podcast - it’s one of my favourites. However, on this morning I just wasn’t open to listening to so much suggestion that there might be something wrong with me. It made me realise, that in the health & wellbeing world, it’s so easy to get caught up in the notion that there’s always something to heal, something to fix. But actually, we don’t need to be in a state of healing all the time. If our mind thinks we need to be constantly healing, then we’re not able to access our parasympathetic nervous system, and we can’t allow ourselves to switch off.

Being in this constant state of needing to fix something just isn’t good for us. And so I now make sure that when I listen to these types of podcasts, I’m listening from a place of wonder. And if I can’t accept that it’s simply listening from a place of wonder; if I start to try and put the problems on myself, then I will switch them off.

Sure, there’s a time for healing and for noticing something is out of balance and needs to change. But, this isn’t 24/7. You can also enjoy just living your life. I’ve gone through some intense healing periods of my life, physically, emotionally & spiritually, and I’m currently feeling very content, happy and secure. So by all means, if you truly feel like there’s something you want to work on, or heal, go for it. But, also if you’re feeling complete and whole just as you are, allow yourself to feel this.

It’s almost like the health & wellbeing world, which often advocates for more simplicity in life and less consumerism, is also capable of contributing to that consumerism and the feel to find something else to fix.

Now, I offer coaching, and it could be said that this is also contributing to that consumerism world, which, no doubt, some coaches might be doing that. But I want you to know, that I will never draw out our coaching time together longer than is needed. When we work together, I will make sure you have the tools to continue on your own journey feeling safe and prepared for the road ahead. And when we come to the end of our allotted time together, it will be entirely your decision if you want to continue the coaching, or if we feel you have the tools & resources you need to carry on, on your own, I will be so happy to see you feeling complete and strong enough to take your life back.