Danielle Anson - Soul Purpose Life Coach

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Do you listen to your intuition? Do you know what your intuition sounds like? What do you do to tune in to your intuition?

Nowadays when we want to know the answer to something, there’s almost always a device somewhere near us that we can ask the question to and receive millions of answers from in a matter of seconds. Crazy, when you think about it, right? And if it’s a more personal question, we may decide to go to our friends and family and ask their advice. For example, when we’re not sure about applying for a job, asking out that person we’ve been flirting with for months, or even deciding whether to go to the gym tonight.

What if I told you that you didn’t need that external opinion, advice or answer? What if I told you, you already have the answer? Would you believe me? Maybe, maybe not. But it’s true. What good is it listening to someone else’s advice, when afterall, they’re not the ones who have to live with the decision. You’re the one who’s going to live with it, you’re the one who should put in the effort to work out the best option for you at this time.

OK, so if you want to quickly find out what time the next train is from A to B, you may be best checking in with a device. But for the other stuff? Not so much.

Instead, I encourage you to check in with yourself, and ask yourself the question. ‘Should I apply for that job?’ And when you ask yourself the big questions, notice your immediate reaction. Do you feel expansive about it? Maybe you even feel a little excited, or happy. Or, does the thought of it make you feel small, closed and scared? Quite often, that’s your answer right there. Yes, really; it can be that simple!

How about the times we feel scared, or apprehensive, but secretly excited? Then what do you think the answer is? Yep, you’ve got it, if you’re feeling excited about it, it’s probably a sign you should give it a go.

But, I hear you ask, what about the more difficult decisions? What about when I ask myself a question but I don’t get an answer straight away? Well, then, it can be a slightly longer process. But don’t worry, you still have the answer.

If you don’t get a simple answer straight away, I encourage you to go take a seat in silence (including removing visual distractions) take a walk in nature, or pick up a pen and paper. Ask yourself the big question first, and then tune in. Tune in to your body, your mind, notice what comes up for you. Maybe you have a return question, or idea. Let it flow. Depending on the type of person you are, you may wish to have this conversation with yourself out loud, you may wish to have it in your head, or write it down.

For me personally, I’m a visual & kinetic learner, so writing it down is best for me. And I just let it flow, from start to finish. And usually, if I really listen to what’s inside me, the truth comes out pretty quickly. It may take a while of to- and fro-ing to convince myself it really is the right answer for me. Maybe some pros and cons come to surface. But really, the truth is there, just waiting to come out. And that, my friends, is your intuition. Your ‘inner knowing’ if you like.

You can practice by starting small; what would you like for dinner tonight? Don’t pay attention to the adverts around you, or the smell wafting over from your neighbour’s kitchen. Check in with yourself, and your body, and what you truly want. It may sound silly to start with, but once you start to notice and become aware of this inner knowing, and begin to trust it, then you’ll be able to start to use it to help yourself make the bigger decisions and trust those too.

I’d love to hear how this goes for you, and please know, if ever you feel like you need more help connecting with your intuition, you can reach out at any time. This is something I love to guide my clients through, and seeing your face light up when you realise you had the answer the whole time, in turn lights me up too. So, what are you waiting for?