Journal Prompts

So often, I hear people say ‘I’d love to try journaling, but I don’t have time’ or ‘I don’t know where to start’.

OK, well where can you find time, and where can you start?

Let’s keep it simple. Start with a gratitude journal; write down 3 things per day which you are grateful for. This can be as simple as ‘I am grateful for the delicious food on my plate’ and it will take 5 minutes. A lot of people like to fit this in to their nighttime routines - it feels so nurturing to go to bed with a feeling of gratitude.

Another option is to make it part of your morning routine - make yourself a cup of tea and sit down with pen & paper (or laptop, or phone - just make sure any notifications are switched off so you can allow yourself to be present.)

Once you get into the swing of this, you might find the things you’re grateful for becoming a little deeper, or wanting to write a little longer. If that’s the case, allow it to flow, give yourself that time to write whatever comes up for you.

Maybe you’ve written your gratitude journal, and you want to write more, but don’t know what else to write about. This is where some journal prompts can come in handy. I’ve written a few simple ones here, but maybe you can add more for your own practice?

  • This week, I am proud of myself for…

  • The biggest thing I’ve learnt over the past few days is…

And then maybe get a little deeper, or more philosphical:

  • What is my story?

  • How can I show up more authentically?

  • What am I looking for in my life?

  • How can I help myself find it?

Once you’ve started answering these questions, you may find more ideas coming to your head, and your pen just wanting to flow freely. Maybe you start going completely off-topic, and that’s great! No one else is going to read this, so allow yourself to let go of any judgement, and just write from the heart.

Oftentimes, things that we didn’t know were suppressed start to shine through, and if you are in a safe space to allow these emotions to surface, do so. It can be so freeing to allow yourself the journey of releasing these feelings that you didn’t even know you were holding onto.

My last blog post was all about intuition, and journaling is another beautiful way to connect to your intuition. Whenever you next find yourself wanting to ask other people’s opinions on something, why not give yourself time to sit and write it out first? You’ll probably find you get a lot more clarity this way, and an answer that truly serves you, rather than someone else.

I’d love to hear your thoughts below.


Slow Down

