How to switch off when you’re self-employed

Why did you start your business?

Alongside being your own boss, you probably started your business with this beautiful idea of having extra spare time, being able to be flexible in your time, and taking long weekends whenever you wanted. Does this sound familiar?

And then, once you started running your business, and became truly self-employed, you probably found yourself spending all your spare time in your business, not being able to switch off for an evening, and working all weekend too. Am I right?

It’s an easy trap to fall into, and a place that a lot of new business owners find themselves in. However, this is the fastest road to burnout as an entrepreneur. Believe me, I experienced it myself a couple of years ago, and it wasn’t a nice place to be.

So, how did I end burnout as a business owner? And what would be my tips for navigating away from burnout and avoiding it altogether?

For me, the biggest way for me ending burnout was learning how to switch off from my business, and how to incorporate things that made me happy again.

Facing burnout in my first business

A couple of years ago, my business was different - I was making custom birthday & wedding cakes, and I’d become so engrossed in my work, that I couldn’t switch off, I felt like I had to be available all the time. What’s more, I kept reading things that said I had to work extra hard in the first few years of business in order to be successful, that it’s not unusual to work 7 days a week. You’ve heard all of this too, right?

Before long, I was posting to my social media pages before I even got out of bed in the morning, and I was bringing my laptop to bed in the evening to finish answering emails. I was in my business from the moment I opened my eyes, to the moment I went to bed. On the weekends, if someone called up with a last-minute request, I’d do it. This was partly to make money, but mostly to keep other people happy.

“The customer is always right”, and “keeping the customer happy is the most important part of business” is what I believed at the time. However, the one person I wasn’t keeping happy was actually the most important person - myself.

What I eventually came to realise was, what’s the point in keeping everyone else happy, if I’m overworked, underpaid, and have no social life?

And this is something I often see with other business owners too.

Whether you call yourself a business owner, small business owner, self-employed or an entrepreneur, we’re all doing the same thing - trying to make a difference in the world, while making some money from it. But what’s the point in making all the money in the world, if you’re unable to enjoy your life? Sure, you might enjoy your work, you might even be super passionate about it, but the fact is, you still need time away from it, time to recharge the batteries, so you can come back stronger, and more energised every day if you’re going to keep it sustainable. Think of it this way, you might be the world’s best marathon runner, but unless you’re Forrest Gump, you need time to pause, reset, recharge the batteries in-between the marathons. You can’t just keep going forever, otherwise you’ll burnout. And it’s exactly the same in your business.

And yes, the first couple of years of business are certainly the trickiest, but you don’t need to burn yourself out to be a successful business owner. In fact, the most successful business owners I know are the ones who take time out for self-care, who know how to switch off from their work, and have hobbies outside of work that spark joy & happiness for them.

How do I learn to switch off and have a weekend as a business owner?

If you’re already in the throes of working 24/7 in your business, you probably aren’t going to go cold turkey and start having evenings & weekends to relax straight away. Instead, I suggest you find 5-10 minutes every day to switch off. Do something you love, whether it’s going for a walk in nature (without music or podcasts), putting on your favourite music & dancing or singing like nobody is watching or listening, going to your favourite coffee shop, and enjoying a coffee, or herbal tea, without your phone, reading a book, or watching TV. Do all of these fun things with your phone on flight mode.

It might not be easy at first; you’re so used to being able to be contacted all the time, every day. But, do this for a week, and see what changes it brings for you.

Then, pencil in one day that you’re going to have away from your business, and STICK to it. Switch off your laptop, put your work phone on flight mode. Make some plans; meet with friends, take a road trip with family, do something that makes you truly happy.

Now I hear you saying, but what if someone needs me?

Well, here’s the best part - in advance, if you have staff, let them know you’re not going to be available for the day. Make sure they have everything they need to get on with the day without you there. If you’re concerned about customers trying to get in touch with you and not being able to, there are a few things you can do:

  • Set your voicemail to let people know that you’re on leave. Something along the lines of ‘Hi, thanks for calling, I’m currently on leave until ‘xxx’ and will reply to all messages after this date.’

  • Set up vacation mode on your emails. Again, something along the lines of ‘Thanks for your email. Your message has landed safely in my inbox. I am currently on leave until ‘xxx’ and will reply to you after this date.’

You can even do something similar on your social media messages too. You don’t need to give a reason, or tell them what you’re doing/where you’re going, simply say you’re on leave, and you’ll get back to them later. Afterall, this is your business, you set the rules! You don’t have to explain yourself to anyone.

Do you want some support and accountability in creating these new habits?

If you find yourself thinking you’ll feel guilty for taking time off, not sure if you can hold yourself accountable, or you just can’t see a way to fit in time off, you’re not alone. This is something I work through all the time with my clients in my 8-week Mindful Business Foundations. We discuss all things business & personal life so you can learn how to fully break people-pleasing habits and set mindful boundaries so you feel less pressure around your schedule and switch off your laptop for the entire weekend.

If this sounds like you, let’s chat! I’d love to offer you a 30-minute complementary clarity call, where we can discuss where you are now, and work out the best option for you moving forwards.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this post, and anything you might like to hear about in the future. Running your business really doesn’t need to be the high stress that everyone portrays. Let’s support each other to find the joy in being self-employed once more!


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