What Is Self-Care?

We hear this word being thrown around left, right and centre these days on social media. But what does it really mean? Is it all salt baths & face masks, or is there more to it than that?

In my mind, self-care really means caring for yourself, however that might look like for you at this moment. You might be lucky enough to have a spare 2 hours every morning to go through your morning self-care rituals, or you might have children and can’t even imagine 2 minutes to yourself on a morning! So, let’s break it down.

Self-care certainly can look like long soaks in the bath, going for a spa day, or painting your nails. It can also look like making yourself a cup of tea, having a shower, and reading a chapter of your favourite book.

What do you like to do to take care of yourself? What is something that you’re not doing that you would like to add in?

Let’s start by looking at your daily routine; how much time do you have to nurture yourself? And where abouts in your day can you fit it in? Here’s a few ideas of self-care broken down into different times and, best of all, they’re all free:

30 second self-care ideas:
5 mindful breaths
Saying your favourite affirmation 3 times
Closing your eyes and allowing your shoulders to drop away from the ears

2+ minutes:
Putting on your favourite song and dancing round your living room/bedroom
Writing down, or speaking aloud, 3 things you’re grateful for today
Making yourself a cup of your favourite herbal tea or cacao

5+ minutes:
Guided Meditation
Calling a friend or loved one

10+ minutes:
Going for a walk in nature
Reading a chapter of your favourite book
Doing an online yoga class

And here’s some examples of when you could fit them in:

5 mindful breaths before you drink your cup of tea, singing to your favourite song in the car on the way to work, calling a friend on your lunch break, going for a walk on your lunch break, reading a chapter of your favourite book, or writing down 3 things you’re grateful for, after the kids have gone to bed.

Here’s a little tip: you don’t have to add them all into your routine at once. You can choose one thing to add today, and make that a new habit for the week. Once you feel like that’s cemented into your routine, you can add another one that works for you.

And yes, one day you might find time for an hour long soak in the bath, but there’s no need to make that your goal if it’s not realistic. And another thing; don’t compare yourself to someone else’s self-care on social media. However you’re looking after yourself is absolutely perfect for wherever you are in this moment. Be kind to yourself.


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