Envision Journal Prompts
Find a quiet place, without distractions, take a couple of deep breaths and start to imagine your life 5 years from now. You’re free to dream big. Money is no object, time is no object, you don’t have any responsibilities. Let go of anything that might be holding you back, you are safe and free to dream as big as you like.
Write your answers to each prompts in the 1st person; ‘I am...’
Start to think about where you’re living:
Where in the world are you?
Are you in a city, the countryside...? What do you see when you look out the window?
Now, thinking about your home:
What does it look like? What decorations, furnishings, colours do you see?
Who are you living with - friends, family, partner, alone, pets?
Do you have a garden, yard, balcony? Where is the heart of your home?
In your life
What are you reading or studying?
What are your hobbies? What do you do for fun? How do you relax?
What clothes are you wearing?
What are you nourishing your body with? Food? Movement?
Who are your people, who is celebrating you?
What do your days look like? What kind of work are you doing?
Where are you travelling/what are you seeing?
How do you feel – can you name 3 emotions?
Read back your dream life to yourself at least once a day - the most potent time to do this is as soon as you wake in the morning, or the last thing you read before you go to bed. Really feel into what your future life looks & feels like, living as your highest self, and notice the energy start to shift around you.
If you’d like to discuss anything that comes up for you, schedule a free call with me here, and let’s chat about how you can make this your reality.